**RELIGION **
      Religion in itself is no longer reqd. It has outlived its usefulness for mankind. Time was when man was savage and might was right. Religions brought in moral codes and taught between right and wrong with the backing of divine laws.
But from the 18th century onwards, as nations and societies developed and civilisation progressed, constitutions were instituted which became sacrosanct in law. They cover all aspects of human behaviour and governance. They have clear guidelines on penalties and bring about equality in justice, establish liberties, authority and duties. 

Religion today has to take a backseat and often clashes with the law. It has in fact become an anachronism, backward looking and reduced to a mere framework of oppressive rules and regulations which is being exploited by clergy to keep the ignorant masses under subjugation and enrich themselves.
Religion has lost its spirituality and become a business. All religions have degenerated into perverted forms of human slavery. Once you realise with your by now finely tuned sense of morality and ethics that the laws of today's nations are sufficient, religion in itself becomes redundant.
You don't need its framework anymore to lead a moral life or be a good human being.
You don't need to fall prey to the dastardly clergy to find your own spiritual peace and happiness in life.
Most intelligent (which is not to be equated with education) and deeply introspective people eventually realise that religion today has become a big con game.
Far from enlightening us, religions today wish to keep us backward, isolated, ignorant and blindly obedient.
It has become an opiate for the dumb masses and a tool in the hands of unreligious crooks.

The most divisive factor in human civilisation is religion, the cause of wars, strife and suffering.

More cruelties and casualties have been inflicted and more passions ignited in its name than wars, pestilence and patriotism combined.

It instills hatred against other beliefs and faiths, thus becoming deniers of fundamental rights to others.
Blind adherence to religion encourages further introduction of strange and illogical practices which are an affront to logic and an insult to human intelligence, besides having no connection to the Gods they profess to serve.
Most intelligent people become religious rebels.
Surprisingly all the prophets who came were rebels who came to overthrow oppressive "religions" of their time.
Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus, Ram, Moses, Guru Nanak and Zarthustra, all were rebels and free thinkers. If they were alive today they would denounce the way their messages have been perverted, distorted and misused.
In fact they would encourage their followers to rebel and throw out the entire so called religious frameworks as they exist today, along with all those rascals who profess to being its preachers and guardians of your faith.

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