Master Circular - Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks
July 1, 2015
(Updated as on March 17, 2016)
All Agency Banks
Dear Sir/Madam
Master Circular - Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks
Please refer to our Master Circular RBI/2014-15/110 dated July 1, 2014 on the above subject. We have now revised and updated the Master Circular which consolidates important instructions on the subject issued by the Reserve Bank of India till June 30, 2015.
2. A copy of the revised Master Circular is enclosed for your information. This circular may also be downloaded from our website www.mastercirculars.rbi.org.in.
Yours faithfully
(G. Sreekumar)
Chief General Manager
Encl.: As above

Master Circular – Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks
Payment of pension to retired government employees, including payment of basic pension, increased Dearness Relief (DR), and other benefits as and when announced by the governments, is governed by the relevant schemes prepared by concerned Ministries/Departments of the Government of India and State Governments. This Master Circular consolidates important instructions on the subject issued by the Reserve Bank till June 30, 2015. It does not replace or supersede such existing government instructions. In case of any doubt or apparent contradiction, agency banks may be guided by the relevant government instructions. Various circulars issued in this connection by the Reserve Bank of India are summarised hereunder for information.


Seven powerful ways India can attack Pakistan –
without crossing the border
War is too serious a business to be left to TV anchors, socialites and politicians.
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To my brother officers, troops and those interested in defence of the nation:
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May 27, 2017

It is time we realised that this equipment can harm our health and endanger the Earth.
By Sathya Prakash Varanashi

How many of us realise that air conditioners are bad for human health? How many of us know that air conditioners harm the environment? A better question to ask – how many of us who know these truths have stopped or at least reduced using air conditioners?